Friday, November 27, 2015


It's hard to go through everyday now knowing that it's over. I'm on an emotional roller coaster. Some days I see the logic behind your reasoning. I understand why it can't work out. Why I'm evil to the core and I'll never change. Why the monster lies dormant ready to be reborn and recreate havoc. I understand that you can't have Dr. Jekyll without Mr. Hyde. I understand that it's difficult to bury the past and that the little things I do remind you of what I was, reinforcing the notion that I can't change that I'll eventually return to whence I came from.

There are other days I get angry, I rant and I rave, I scream and I sulk, I pace up and down, I constrict and I contract. These are the days I can't understand anything. These are the days I reminisce of the good times. These are the days I remember how I have loved you. These are the days I remember the olden days, the love letters, the songs, the poems and the foundation that our love was built upon.

Sadly, those days are over, the foundation developed cracks that never mended and slowly eroded. Then everything came crashing down. Trying to pick up the pieces and trying to rebuild for these past years proved futile. Now that its over I've lost purpose and direction. So I'll be here broken and confused...

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