Sunday, January 7, 2018

My Bed

They said that you must lie on the bed you make
You have to face the consequences of the actions you take
It's Karma at its best, taking you through the test
And for some of us...we will never rest

They say it can be a bed of roses
Maybe it could be a bed of boards
How about a bed of stand stone
Or in my case...a bed of nails

So I can not lie on this bed that I have made
I think it's too much and I think it's unfair
After all, the decisions were not all mine to make
So why should the consequence be mine alone to bear

They say it's one bed you make
But it's not one decision that brought you here
Neither do all decisions lead to the same place
Is it bed or beds or is it all the same

Maybe it's one bed with many layers
Reflecting both the good and bad choices made
Some layers are like feathers, while others like nails
While some are like water, they leave you gasping for air

So I lie here on the bed of my actions
Remembering my past mistakes
Unable to move a muscle
As I slowly suffocate...