Saturday, May 19, 2012

Unrequited Love

I ran behind you but you were always two steps ahead
Your heart said to slow down but your mind said its not for the best
I kept on running but then you began to fly
I stood there watching as you soared to such great heights
The realization then sunk in; that it was never my time
I was the chicken who dared to love an eagle
Little did I realize that I was out of my league
You soared onward and upward and never looked back
And from that day onwards my fragile heart grew black
Never did I realize that next to the sun you would fly
And as it happened with Iscarus you would fall from the sky
But unrequited love has toyed with, maimed and devoured my heart
I have nothing left to give you even my soul has turned dark
I stood there motionless as you lay still among the evidence of your fall
Silently observing all who came to give mock condolences at a moment's call
I am not the saviour nor am I the forgiver
I am not the accuser nor the executioner
I am neither the light or the darkness
I am but a torn man driven to madness
I saw you crashed and burned, engulfed by your ambitions, your pride and your confidence
I see you no more as but a pile of ashes quickly swept away by the raging winds
I see you no more

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