I tried to stay away from this place because it seems I only come here when I need to vent...when I'm depressed or overwhelmed or just not...myself.
So what is "myself"? a cheerful, happy golucky guy who makes jokes and is fun to be around? or a perverted individual who sees sexual innuendos in almost anything whether they be living or inanimate? maybe I'm a "serious" individual who has never heard of the word "smile". Perhaps I'm the silent type...perhaps I'm not...
Truth is I'm a different person when I'm around different people. Not that I'm unsure of who I am or that I need to be and act like I'm part of the "in" crowd but mainly because its a human thing. I, like everyone else, have a mind that is complex and beyond comprehension thus far. There are so many compartments and pathways therein that it truly is a kind of labyrinth. We act based on the "vibes" given off by the people around us, it is like many personae wrapped in one. We are all schizophrenic... But I digress...
So...I'm here again. I'm not sure why I'm here but I'm here. I guess I'm a bit lonely, in need of comfort. Perhaps to drown my sorrows or just to ease my burdens for a while.
I'm lost and I need to be found...