Monday, August 8, 2011

Essequibo Sunset

Sunset over the Essequibo River always seem magical or mystical. The dark, dreary clouds block the sun's last stance. They engulf him, forcing him beyond the horizon as he struggles to his inevitable end. He had fought a good fight and did his duty well but now his strength is gone and he is jaded.

Darkness approaches, as streaks of the sun's light penetrate the clouds and hit the water. Rough waters rejoicing at the coming of the darkness. They roar and roll, frolicking as demonic horses neighing the the conquering of the light by the Dark One.

The winds blow cold and wet seemingly complementing the raucous waves, steadily humming a dark hymn of destruction.

The darkness will soon prevail and the Dark One will rise. But his time is short. Joy cometh in the Morning.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A piece of heaven

The murky waters rippled gently as the weak wind blew through the trees, which swayed lazily as if time didn't matter. The sun was sinking slowly, casting gloomy and ghostly shadows over the unknown stream. Suckers planted on the banks of the stream alluded to human interference on this otherwise natural and picturesque landscape.

People pay a great sum of money to find themselves in these types of surroundings, where they can have their "own" stream, luscious fruit trees in their backyard, wild (but not dangerous) animals on their land, waking up to the joyous chorus of the birds in the morning and falling asleep to the sounds of the croaking frogs and chirping cricket. The sound of rain falling on the zinc roof and the room dimly lit by the low wattage incandescent bulb hanging from the rafters create a warm cozy feeling that takes you back to the happy places in your life. The sound of the stream tricking by adds to calm that surrounds you.

Sadly, these simple things in life are overlooked in the modern world where everyone wants to be the most successful, the most rich and the most powerful person they could be. These ambitions usually cause many families to break up as wives, husbands and children are often neglected.

We spend our lives making money to provide for our families but end up losing them in the long term. We save our money to buy a piece of heaven for our retirement but spend our lives in hell....

Cherish the time you spend with your family, enjoy the simple outdoor living for a few days, buy your peace of mind.